• Main category: Food & Beverage
  • Company phone: 0914 132 299
  • Website:
  • Country: Vietnam
  • Established: 2023
  • Company size: 10-50 employees
Address: Thôn Đại Bình, Thị trấn Trung Phước, Xã Quế Trung, Huyện Nông Sơn, Tỉnh Quảng Nam, Vietnam


Located in Vietnam, 2 Years, Food & Beverage


Dai Binh Ecological Cooperative is located in Dai Binh village, Que Trung commune, Nong Son district, Quang Nam, Vietnam, next to the romantic Thu Bon River. This place is likened to a Southern garden in the heart of Quang. Going from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, everywhere you can feel the green of the luxuriant and fruitful orchards. Dai Binh is famous for its hairy fruit, in the same family as grapefruit. When the fruit body is ripe, it is hairy, has smooth fibres, is light red, has a sweet taste, is less sour, and is popular with many people. Besides, there are many types of fruits such as Nam Roi grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, mangosteen, avocado, durian, jackfruit, papaya, bonbon, and star apple...From clean, typical local agricultural products, Dai Binh Ecological Cooperative has successfully built OCOP and ISO brands for peanut oil products, pure sesame oil, agarwood...

Our products
