Welcome to sourcevietnam.com


  • Main category: Apparel
  • Company phone: 0912393130
  • Website: dongphucthoitrangfmf.com.vn
  • Country: Vietnam
  • Established: 2005
  • Company size: 100-500 employees
Address: Lô CN10, Xã Tân Liên, Huyện Vĩnh Bảo, Thành phố Hải Phòng, Vietnam


We are aiming to create a professional and competent workforce, a modern machinery system, scientific management manner along with a friendly working environment so as to meet our worldwide customers' stringent requirements. Profession looks towards permanent development. We believe that the working environment is one of the factors that determine labor productivity. 
Setting  SAFETY - PROFESSION - INNOVATION as our principle, we are working towards a safe and comfortable working environment for every worker. Sao Mai - FMF uniform is continuously investing in modern equipments and facilities in order to guarantee the best product quality to our customers all over the world.

Our products
