Welcome to sourcevietnam.com


  • Main category: Food & Beverage
  • Company phone: 0918 304 383
  • Website: superwatercleanhealthy.com
  • Country: Vietnam
  • Established: 2015
  • Company size: 10-50 employees
Address: Lô D9, Khu Sao Mai Bến Đình, Phường 9, Thành phố Vũng Tàu, Tỉnh Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu, Vietnam


Our company has many years of experience in water purification with a team of experienced engineers and experts. We cannot live without water 70% of our body is water and need clean water to purify the body. Our company understands how important water is to our health and our body needs water for purification. Therefore, our company specializes in importing and distributing Super water healthy clean mineral water good for health to purify the body from the US and Europe to Vietnam, which has the effect of purifying the body, eliminating toxins, reducing blood fat, Filter the liver, filtering the kidneys to help the body stay healthy and young, live a long life, beautiful skin, beautiful shape.    

Our products
