The Mixture Of Ingredients After Mixing Will Be Extracted Into 4-Layer Aluminum Retort Pouch Via An 8 - Step Automatic Packaging Production Line:
- Step 1: Pick Up The Retort Pouch.
- Step 2: Print Date (Date, Time, Production Batch).
- Step 3: Open The Retort Pouch.
- Step 4: Extract Dry Ingredients.
- Step 5: Fill The Broth.
- Step 6: Deaerate, Seal The Retort Pouch For The First Time.
- Step 7: Seal The Retort Pouch For The Second Time.
- Step 8: Cool The Press Line And Produce Products.
The Product Broth Will Be Divided Into 2 Types Of Broth Depending On The Product:
– Bone Broth: Stewed From Tube Bones, Chicken Bones.
– Vegetable Broth: Stewed From White Radish, Corn, And Sugar Cane.