Backpacks are convenient accessories and have many different uses. Besides using backpacks for school, you can use them for work, hiking trips, or hanging out with friends. That’s why many different types of backpacks in bulk were born, requiring users to pay attention during use. Today, let’s explore how to wash a backpack effectively and what to note when washing it.
Some notes on how to wash a backpack
You can easily buy a backpack on any e-commerce platform, store, or shopping center. These days, backpacks are available in large quantities at various price points due to their immense popularity.

However each has unique qualities, and there are variations in both cleaning techniques and attributes. Here are some notes you need to take before washing your backpack. And this guide can be applied to any type of backpack, including laptop backpacks and backpacking backpacks.
Check the material and appropriate washing method for each type of backpack
You should carefully read the backpack manufacturer’s instructions label before washing your backpack for the first time to determine the proper cleaning method. To categorize your bag and determine whether the material needs extra care, especially if it’s leather, you should read these notes.
Certain backpack models cannot be cleaned or submerged in water; in such instances, you will need to wash the soiled area with a cloth or a tiny bit of soap. Additionally, after washing, you should pay attention to details like whether the backpack can be dried directly in the sun or not, among other things.
See the labels to know about the materials and choose the right soap. If your backpack has lost its label (some backpack wholesales don’t have labels), before attempting to wash the full backpack, you should test-clean a tiny section of the fabric. You can begin washing the entire backpack if the fabric does not react. Your bag will last longer and remain in its best condition if you pay close attention to the notes and wash them correctly.
Choose the right soap and cleaning tools
You can use almost any type of soap on your backpack if it is constructed of benign textiles that don’t fade easily. When a fabric has a lot of features, you may need to read up on it to determine which soap is best. To make things simpler, avoid using excessively strong detergents or soaps to prevent damage to your backpack.

You don’t need to use too many strong detergents; you can use other cleaning tips, such as baking soda and green tea essential oil, to avoid causing damage to the backpack’s surface. Cleaning tools such as brushes and scrubbers also need attention. Do not choose one that is too hard because it can scratch the surface and wear out the fabric of the backpack.
Remove all items from the backpack before washing
Before washing, make sure you have taken out all the items in the backpack, especially backpacks with many sub-compartments. This will ensure that the items inside will not be damaged and cause damage to your backpack. This is especially important when you wash the backpack in the washing machine.
Necessary preparations before washing
Some types of backpacks will have frames that fix the space inside. When washing these types of backpacks, you need to remove all the frames. This will make the washing process easier and protect the frame from rust.
Another thing to check is the zipper for any loose threads. These threads can get caught and cause the zipper to get stuck when washing your backpack.
Treat stubborn stains before starting washing
For stubborn stains on your backpack, pretreat them before washing to make the cleaning process easier and faster. You can apply cleaning soap directly to the stained area and let it sit for about 30 minutes. After that, you can start washing your backpack. Stubborn stains will be easier to remove at this point, and you won’t have to put in as much effort or scrub your backpack as hard.
Reasonable time to wash backpacks periodically
Washing clothes frequently is not always good. You cannot wash some special items, like backpacks, too often. Some opinions say that the appropriate time to wash is 3-4 times a year. However, this is not fixed and depends on the frequency of use and how dirty the backpack is. If your backpack is used frequently and exposed to a lot of dust and dirt, you can wash it periodically and more often.
The difference between washing a backpack by hand and a machine
Backpacks composed of leather, canvas, or other fragile fabrics that can be harmed by the more abrasive conditions of a washing machine are better suited for hand washing. Additionally, this technique works well for backpacks that have reflective elements, patches, or embroidery that could come loose or snag when machine being washed.
When compared to hand washing, machine washing is more convenient and timesaving. Just throw your backpack in the laundry basket and let it do the heavy lifting. This is perfect for people on the go or for urgently cleaning your backpack. Let’s now go to a thorough tutorial on how to wash your backpack both by hand and in the washing machine.

How to wash a backpack by hand?
Hand washing is the safest method to clean backpacks and prevent from any damage. Some special backpacks, such as leather, cotton, and fabrics that easily shrink and wrinkle, should not be machine-washed. It’s necessary to review and follow the above notes carefully before washing your backpack.
Step 1: Comprehensive inspection and pre-treatment of stubborn stains
First, you need to check all compartments in the backpack to see if there are any items left inside. Applying soap directly to the unclean area and letting it sit for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the stain’s adherence, is one option if there are tough stains to remove. But how to wash a north face backpack in the right way? After soaking the stain, you can use a soft bristle brush or a soft sponge to clean the stain.

Step 2: Wash the backpack with warm water
The most optimal way to wash a backpack is to use warm water. Dissolve soap in the water, then submerge the backpack in water and use a sponge or brush to clean each area, both inside and outside the backpack.
Step 3: How to rinse and dry backpack after washing it
Next, rinse the soap off the backpack thoroughly with plain water. Make sure all the soap is removed and there is no residue left inside the backpack. Finally, dry the backpack in the sun or in a well-ventilated area. At this step, it is important to note that not all fabrics can withstand high heat, so you should choose an appropriate drying location to prevent the backpack from fading.
You can also put the backpack in the dryer, but make sure to use the appropriate heat setting. Backpacks need to be completely dried to prevent dampness, mold growth, and unpleasant odors. At this point, you have completed washing the backpack by hand.
How to wash a backpack with a washing machine?
Not all backpacks are suitable for washing in a washing machine. Some types that can be machine washed, such as elastic fabric backpacks, nylon fabric backpacks, regular fabric backpacks or backpacks without internal frames, and backpacks without any attached accessories. Here is the process for how to wash a backpack in the washing machine.
Step 1: Comprehensive inspection and pre-treatment of stubborn stains
Whether you’re washing your backpack by hand or in the washing machine, you need to make sure there’s nothing left inside.
Next, treat any stubborn stains before putting the backpack in the machine. As the washing machine may not be able to clean all stains. Once you have taken these precautions, you can start putting your backpack in the machine.
Step 2: How to wash a backpack in a washer
You can put your backpack directly into the washing machine or place it in specialized laundry bags. Add a small amount of mild detergent and run a gentle cycle. This way, your backpack is less likely to be damaged during the washing process.

Step 3: How to dry a backpack after washing it
After the washing machine has finished, take the backpack to dry. Depending on the nature of the fabric, choose regular drying or machine drying. In case of using a dryer, make sure the temperature is suitable for the fabric to avoid damage. Make sure the backpack is completely dry before use to avoid moisture, mold, or unpleasant odors.
Through the article, you also understand how to wash a backpack and the necessary attention. If you are looking for high-quality and affordable backpack washing products, is a website you should visit. Here, you will buy quality, diverse products at extremely reasonable prices, with fast shipping and easy payment processes.
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